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End Israel's Occupation: 40 years too many

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Melbourne-based organisations

M E L B O U R N E  - A U S T R A L I A


Women for Palestine seeks to raise awareness of the Palestinians in history and the events that led to their dispossession, displacement and occupation.  It aims to help Australians gain a greater understanding of the Palestinian struggle for justice, peace and self-determination in their homeland through non-violent protest. As women, we believe that a just and peaceful solution must be within the realms of possibility and that we have a responsibility to show our children that all violations of human rights must be challenged and that the pursuit of justice must also have a constructive resolution that does not compromise the rights and dignity of others. All our programs and activities are designed to introduce the Palestinian narrative which has been wilfully suppressed and denied for almost 60 years.
Contact: enquiries@womenforpalestine.com


M E L B O U R N E – A U S T RA L I A


Australians for Palestine engages with all levels of Australian society, and particularly, the media and our parliamentary representatives.  Its main thrust is to defend the legitimate position of Palestinians and challenge the Israeli-weighted opinions and policies that have been increasingly adopted to the detriment of the Palestinian identity in Australia. Further, it seeks to influence members of the Australian Parliament to adopt an even-handed policy on Israel/Palestine within the framework of international law and human rights conventions so that any contraventions will be condemned and the dignity of the individual upheld at all times.
Contact: info@australiansforpalestine.com

Palestinian  Community Association of Victoria, Australia

The  Palestinian Community Association of Victoria is an Australian registered organization located in Melbourne, Victoria. The Association general assembly approved a name change in June 2006 from the former name "Palestinian Charity Association".

Our Mission

Engage the Palestinian community with the bigger Australian society while maintaining and promoting our Palestinian identity.

Our Objectives

  • Promote strong social relationships amongst members of the Palestinian community.
  • Foster Palestinian community integration with the Australian society while maintaining the unique Palestinian heritage, values and sense-of-belonging.
  • Improve the welfare of Australians that are of Palestinian background, and seek assistance from government and/or nongovernmental bodies when required.
  • Enhance the role of the youth in the community by engaging them in social, cultural or sports activities.
  • Support the Palestinian cause and the aspirations of the Palestinian people.
  • Bridge and cultivate relations with Palestinian communities in the homeland through charity, cultural and social activities.
  • Act as a consultative body to the Government, Media organizations, or Individuals for subjects relating to Palestine and/or the Palestinians.
  • Promote awareness and knowledge of the Palestinian identity, culture, and history.

Website:  http://www.palestine-victoria.org.au/



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