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End Israel's Occupation: 40 years too many

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The initiative for this website came from Women for Palestine (WFP), a Melbourne-based group in Australia formed in April 2002.  Women for Palestine had planned on running a campaign that would protest Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, but there had to be a better way than doing it alone.  It sought the help of Australians for Palestine (AFP) - also a Melbourne-based group - because of WFPs  involvement in AFPs founding and the reciprocal support both groups have given each other in events and activities that have marked our respective efforts in the last year.

With the rest of the world coming together to call for an end to the occupation, both WFP and AFP decided to connect with all groups and individuals working towards that end in Australia.  Particularly in Melbourne, we are pleased to have the support of the Palestinian community and we are confident that the cooperation and exchange of ideas already begun will continue to develop amongst all groups in Australia.  There is nothing more powerful than pursuing a common goal for peace and justice for all - and it is long overdue for the Palestinians.

To consolidate our efforts, we decided that a special website should be created to try and bring all the activities being undertaken together on one site so that anyone can see at a glance what is happening in the various states and also in the national campaign.  Links open up to other protests around the globe, and hopefully, we will begin to feel the power of grassroots action for Palestine as people and organizations begin to connect and build networks.



© 2007 Women For Palestine